The Lost Lemon Demon Album 2: 654321 Digimon

Welcome. Hahhahahahahaha,

Yep. I made a sequel. Pretty surprising, since the last one didn't have any attention at all, but hey, at least it ended on a Sequel Hook. Welcome.. to 654321 Digimon. 3...2...1...HIT IT!

The Beginning

Ya still there? OK, good. Well, it started when I was writing. Diablo behind me, with a bloodied up chainsaw, ready to kill me when I destroy the album. Or try to. But, that's what gets him out. So, I had to time it right. So I wrote. And wrote. And wrote. 12 hours Later:

It's time.

So, somebody called Diablo. Possibly a demon from hell, but still somebody. So while he was on a phone call, I destroyed the album. HE WAS GONE! So now I had to escape from this place. So I went through a maze. A long maze. Twisting, and turning, and it took me forever to get out BUT I DID. And then.. I found a new video by Neil. A video, a LEMON DEMON video called..

Guess what?

654321 Digimon! It looked fun, I mean, come on, 123456 Pokemon was COOLIO! But little did I know, that I would be on a creepy but epic fight with LIEN LIVE ( EVIL NEIL backwards.) I started listening, and it was pretty regular. It was the opposite of 123456 Pokemon. Who ya gonna vote for? MITT ROMNEY! Then.. it got creepier. The video had blood on the walls, dead bodies and blood on the floors, and hyper-realistic ghosts in there! Neil turned red, bloody, with a KNIFE and a gun, plus demon wings. You could hear screams in the background, same with chanting:"ALL HAIL LIEN LIVE! ALL HAIL LIEN LIVE!" Then, LIEN LIVE was behind me with a knife. "DO WORRY, GONNA KILL YOU!" I grabbed a gun and shot him in the face. I can't believe it was THAT EASY to kill him, but it did. And then I wondered... "Will there be any more Lemon Demon Mysteries?" Yes...yes there will be.
Part One:
Part Three:
Spinoff with Tally Hall?: COMING OUT SOON